Ningbo WECO Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Ningbo WECO Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.,

Travelling Diary of QiongTai Valley

  • 发布时间:2017-10-27
  • 发布者:WECO
  • 浏览量:115

I have long heard of the beauty of Mount Tiantai, but had never been able to experience it firsthand, which has always left me feeling regretful.  On May 14th this year, the company organized a tour.  Without hesitation, I grabbed my camera, brought along my mood, and rushed off… After getting off the tour bus, what caught my eye on the opposite mountain wall were four large characters carved into the rock face - “Qiongtai Fairy Valley”.  The scenery was breathtaking, with dragons soaring and phoenixes dancing.

After checking in, I followed the tour guide through a mountain cave into the scenic area.  The sound of rushing waterfalls in the distance beckoned, and I hurried towards the source.  Before me was a pavilion, and to the right, the azure waters cascaded beneath the pavilion, flowing for miles and straight down the mountain.  Like numerous water snakes, they raced and jostled, creating a tremendous roar that shattered the tranquility of the blue waters and green mountains.  Peaks stood face to face on either side of the reservoir, their rugged and towering forms, with an array of unique peaks, lush and dripping with greenery.  The reflections in the water, the stillness of the mountains, the calmness of the water, the tranquility of the heart, the clarity of the spirit, left me in a state of enchantment, as if I had stepped into a fairyland, where all earthly worries and distractions vanished.

The benevolent take pleasure in mountains, the wise take pleasure in water, and the perfect fusion of mountains and water before my eyes is truly magnificent, attracting countless benevolent and wise individuals.  Figures like Xu Xiake, Li Bai, and other famous personalities have left their footprints here… The idiom in Chinese “move to another scene” aptly describes the beauty before my eyes.  Without further ado, let’s skip to the pictures, as the visual impact surpasses the power of words…